Importance of StartUp Networking

Start-up network is an essential constituent in a start-up.The contacts and relationships made can help entrepreneurs to find talent, advisors, potential partners, customers, funds as well as priceless advice. In the case of early-stage start-ups who have not yet figured out a business model that works across multiple customers, networking plays an even more vital role.

Above all else the networking allows startups to access talent and team members.

As a young company probably with limited resources it’s highly beneficial to be able to draw on your networks for cofounders, early employees and advisers willing to work for equity or at below-market salaries. Advisors are often appointed by startups who are professionals in various fields in return for small stakes in the business. Then top-quality advisers can use their contacts to help recruit those who fill key positions. For founders attending industry events, conferences and meetups can help them directly meet with potential hires who are talented.

Also other startup founders make great sympathetic mentors. There are few people that understand what a business goes through than another entrepreneur does.  Shared experiences of constructing something from nothing lead to some degree of community spirit among peers.

Substantial startup networking enhances the likelihood of meeting and angles which would otherwise not take place if one was not well connected. Furthermore personal savings, monies from friends and relatives alongside revenues becomes essential when outside funding still remains out of reach for many early-stage startups striving hard to survive. However a well-connected founder will be better placed in capitalizing on potential financing opportunities.

Start-ups with no customer base could make strategic alliances with complimentary service providers who would offer them access to an established market.  In return for equity, corporations may exchange business services, co-develop products or integrate technologies. Credibility, exposure and help in technology, distribution, marketing and content creation otherwise not available to small teams are some of the aspects that young organizations receive from these alliances.

Founders should look into their friends, family members, ex-bosses and employers when it comes to early customer acquisition for beta-testers and early adopters. While it is important not to rely too much on close relationships as a signal for product-market fit, feedback from trusted sources can influence product features and positioning.  Conference networking often generates promising leads since attendees inherently signal interest in learning about various offerings.

The well connected founders have an audience that they can share their experience with during the highs and lows. Founders need mental health support systems in order to withstand constant pressures. After the umpteenth rejection, talking to someone who has been in the trenches can do wonders for motivation. Talking to seasoned entrepreneurs is one way of reminding founders that setbacks are not failure and most startup journeys never go smooth without encountering obstacles.


Startup survival and scaling rests heavily on their ability to network; going out there and meeting people exposes entrepreneurs to resources required for converting ideas into reality. Attending events, reaching peers/experts or simply meeting for coffee with strangers are some ways of laying the foundation for future start-up success through which connections are made.

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